IFG&MS Annual Cecil Coleman Memorial scholarship program
APPLICATION INFORMATION The Idaho Falls Gem & Mineral Society (IFG&MS) is a non-profit Idaho organization offering a $1000 Earth Science scholarship to one qualified high school senior from the Upper Snake River Valley. The scholarship is intended to help support one student planning to further their education in the academic area of Earth Sciences.
The one-time $1000 IFG&MS scholarship award will be paid to the college or university to be applied to the enrolled student's fees. Applications must be postmarked or e-mailed on or before March 9, 2020. The scholarship will be null and void if the winner is not enrolled in a college or university within one year of the award. Special circumstances will be reviewed and decided upon by the IFG&MS Scholarship Committee.
IFG&MS SCHOLARSHIP ELIGIBILITY AND CRITERIA 1. The applicant must currently be a graduating senior in good standing and a resident in the Upper Snake River Valley. 2. The applicant must have been accepted to a college or university within one year of the award. 3. The applicant must have expressed an interest in and plan to pursue a study in the Earth Sciences. 4. The recipient must provide a recent photo to be displayed at our April Gem & Mineral Show and on our web page. 5. The recipient agrees to attend our May 11, 2020 monthly meeting in Idaho Falls to be introduced to the membership
APPLICATION PROCEDURE To be considered for this scholarship, the application must be . The application must include: 1. A one page (500+ word) typed essay summarizing the applicant's qualifications, needs, interests and goals in the Earth Sciences. 2. Two letters of recommendation completed by teachers or school officials from the applicant's present high school. 3. Application must include the student's high school transcript and student contact information (phone number, home address and e-mail) All materials must be submitted to IFG&MS and postmarked or e-mailed by March 9, 2020 to be considered. The IFG&MS is not responsible for late or lost applications. All school transcripts will be destroyed after a winner is selected.
Mail completed applications to: IFG&MS Scholarship Susan Magnan c/o Susan Magnan 220 Holbrook Idaho Falls, ID 83401 or [email protected]