Idaho Falls Gem & Mineral Society: |
We are a non-profit organization promoting the study of geology, lapidary and applied sciences, and fostering a spirit of fellowship among the members. We are members of both the Northwest and American Federation of Mineralogical Societies.
Meetings Schedule: |
Meetings are the second Monday of each month at 6 pm at a temporary location for the April and May meetings will be at the Senior Citizens Community Center on 535 W 21st St, Idaho Falls.
Special Annual Events:
Annual Dinners and Special Meetings:
August and December meetings are held elsewhere. IFGMS Annual Gem & Mineral Show: In April we have our Rock and Gem show here in Idaho Falls. Members display the various things they do, and several demonstrate different aspects of our craft. There are also dealers that sell quality items relating to gems and minerals. It is normally held at the Idaho Falls Recreation Center B Street, Idaho Falls, ID. For 2024, it will be held the same location as the Members Sale. See below. IFGMS Annual Members Sale: In October, club members hold a public. Held at the Bonneville County Fairgrounds, 1542 East 73rd South, Idaho Falls, Idaho (south of Sandy Downs Racetrack on Woodruff Ave.) Learning Days: Members can take classes from other club members. These are held once or twice a year. The one held in May is conjunction with a field trip and the Club Breakfast. Sometimes we have a fall learning days in Idaho Falls. Field Trips: The club has 3 mining claims, one in Montana (near Leadore, ID), one near Arco and one near Challis. Including the claims, other trips will be planned. Steak Fry and Dues: In August we have our steak fry, which is a pot luck dinner with steaks provided by the club. Elections: In October, a nominating committee solicits members for running for the various board offices. Junior Rock Club: For kids 8-14 whose parents or sponsoring adults are club members. Holiday Party: Held in December, which again is pot luck. There are table prizes as well as a gift exchange and entertainment. |
Membership and Dues:
$ 28 for a single adult membership; $ 33 for a family membership (1or 2 adults and all minor children); (this includes a one time fee of $5 for name tags, etc.) Your membership is good until December 31 of this year.
Club Officers:
President: Rita Cooper
Vice-President: Emily Thomas Secretary: Ann Walker Treasurer: Jeff Ring |
Map: |